italpres always follows very carefully everything that gravitates around the world of aluminum processing and has learned with satisfaction the results achieved not only by the collection of packaging that ensure raw material for the production of the foundry.
In fact, in the space of twenty years, the Italian recycling industry has taken giant steps and even the separate collection of aluminum packaging continues to grow throughout the country. During the Annual Meeting of CIAL, the Italian National Packaging Consortium, the results of the collection, recovery and recycling of aluminum packaging in Italy for the last year were presented.
The most sought-after objects in the field are: cans for drinks, cans and trays for food, even for animals, spray cans, tubes for creams and preserves, caps, closures and even the thin sheet. Last year was a very efficient year, with positive results and in line with the last years: 47,800 tons of aluminum packaging were recovered, equal to 68% of the one placed on the market, 69,700 tons.
This satisfactory result is due to the collaboration of the citizens and the agreements stipulated between CIAL and the relevant Municipalities. Now, more than 6500 local authorities are active in the separate collection of aluminum packaging with the heavy contribution of over 53 million inhabitants.
Out of 47,800 tons, 44,200 tons arealuminum packaging, while the remaining 3,600 tons of thin packaging goes to the waste-to-energy plant for energy recovery. Thanks to the recycling of 44,2000 tons of aluminum packaging, greenhouse emissions of 328,000 tons of CO2 have been avoided and energy has been saved for over 141,000 tons.
Even italpres, a company specializing in the processing of aluminum, has always taken a special approach and attention to the events of the industry and has made major investments to offer plants and services compatible with environmental protection. How? Participating in the waste differentiation and through the photovoltaic system to recover the heat and reduce the environmental impact.
The company with more than half a century of experience behind it, when it comes to aluminum processing, has also a partnership with the energy company Alperia Energy, which is committed to providing Italpres with electricity produced from renewable sources. Even Internet pollutes and consumes, over time, a high number of kilowatt hours of electricity, that's why italpres has joined the Zero Impact Web project to fight against global warming.
Source: www.cial.it